
The Flex Office market in Spain

Demand in the sector has experienced a rebound during the first quarter of the year.

25 de junio de 2024

The Spanish flex space market has changed and developed over the course of time. After an initial boom in 2018-19, the Covid 19 pandemic brought a slowdown in the sector, which subsequently went on to post record figures in 2022. In the first quarter of 2024, demand in the sector from flex tenants spiked to represent 18% of the demand for traditional office space (by floor area), which is the strongest figure in recent years.

This report offers a special overview of the opportunities offered by Real Estate as a Service. We analyse tenants’ current needs and break down the supply of and demand for flex space throughout Spain. We also highlight the crucial role of flex operators and the involvement of owners in the flex office business, as well as offering a new outlook on building valuations. ​

Download our report The Flex Office Market in Spain and find out how the growing demand for flexible spaces is evolving.

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